Vision in Children


Although the ability to see clearly or 20/20 is important, it is just one of 17 visual skills needed to succeed in the classroom . Many children can go through life with an undiagnosed visual problem causing them to struggle in an academic setting.

Look for these 5 common signs that a vision problem could be interfering with your child’s academic success:

  1. Skipping or re-reading lines
  2. Poor reading comprehension
  3. Reversing letters like b and d when reading
  4. Short attention span with reading and schoolwork
  5. Taking longer to do homework than it should

If you feel that your child may have an undiagnosed vision problem feel free to take this symptoms checklist at  COVD symptoms check list  Often times vision therapy can be a good way to help alleviate the struggles your child may be experiencing by training the eyes, brain, and body to better work together.

Early diagnosis is key and it is never to early to get your child’s eyes examined!